Height: 5'1"
Occupation: Legal clerk/Singer
How long have you danced: 14 years
Favorite Style of Dance: Jazz
Guilty Pleasure: Papa Haydn's Raspberry Gateau. Mmmmm...
Hometown: Tumon, Guam
Dosha Stylist: Kristina Paris
Favorite Trail Blazer: Martell Webster

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Another day, another performance...
posted: Monday, April 02, 2007 at 10:01 AM

Make that performances.

Full day number two in Guangzhou was devoted to two things for the
BlazerDancers: 1) three outdoor peformances, plus a meet and greet/autograph session and 2) shopping, shopping, shopping. After conquering the 90% humidity and near-80 heat at performance time we saved energy to stalk the fashion bargains of Guangzhou on a Friday night.
After being buried with boxes and bags last night, I am beginning to wonder what our weight load will be on the NWA flight home early Monday morning. When we’re not dancing -- or eating -- we are all the consummate shoppers!

It seems as though the image of Colonel Sanders has replaced that of Chairman Mao in the streets. Aside from gracing the 100 Renmimbi Yuan, Mao has been absent from view. Like Portland, Guangzhou boasts a Starbucks at every corner. There is simply no escape from Frappucino-land!

Jam Van is a very high energy set of events: Lots of different performances, hoops shooting contests and interactive games. Our bus, with it's insect antennae-like mirrors protruding forward creeps into position back of the Jam Van and stage. Then with a dozen security guards, we are swept through the crowd to the front where we are greeted by a sea of enthused new fans. Our DJ host -- sporting a Brandon Roy jersey, of course
-- teases in Mandarin spiked with some Cantonese street jive. (Think of a hyped up Todd Bosma playing that Trail Blazers crowd.)

The Lion Dance officially opened the Jam Van yesterday. Marlene and Mindy were honorary participants. Their task: Awaken the sleeping lions. Patting each ersatz feline on the head, the cats' eyes opened. With calligraphic brushes in hand, Marlene and Mindy first painted a red third eye on the forehead of each beast, then added red pupils to the lions' eyes. This set off the lions extended dance, which included some hoop to the amusement of the crowd. Lashing, swirling, diving and rising, the lions at last stretched to retrieve suspended vegetables stage left. Placed in a basket, this symbolized a good growth season for all. I suppose there's a metaphor there for all of us in Blazerland, as we roll to summer and the promise of our own off-season growth and renewal!

Ciao from China,


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